Since our founding in 1920, ACHA’s meetings have been a way for college health professionals to meet in person and catch up on the latest college health trends and practices. Even with today’s technology making it possible to have online meetings with colleagues from near and far, without ever leaving your office, there’s simply no substitute for meeting face to face.
The other great thing about attending a meeting is the charge in the air at these conferences. It’s an amazing thing when 2,000 energized, passionate people sharing the same goal – enhancing the wellness of their campus communities – come together. Our attendees are there to learn from one another and perhaps flip their old ways of thinking on end and come away with new ones. You can feel the excitement brewing and there’s a buzz in the air.
We really hope you’ll join us this year. We have lots of great sessions scheduled as well as some fun events and activities to help you recharge and meet other attendees!
Stay tuned for more posts that will cover featured events, programming, and other things to do in San Antonio. In the meantime, check out these conference FAQs.